Cookie policy

Cookie Policy

This policy pertains to cookies and web pages operated by OfficeMax, headquartered at 95 Siret Street, Sector 1, Bucharest.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. Thanks to cookies, the website retains your actions and preferences (login, language, font size, and other display preferences) for a period, so you don't have to re-enter them each time you revisit the site or navigate from one page to another.

How are cookies used?

Our cookies do not store personal data. They allow us to gather information after you've logged in or help establish a connection between browsing information and your personal data when you choose to register.

In some instances, we use persistent cookies. We take data protection seriously and continuously monitor and improve how we can protect your personal data.

We have categorized our cookies into the following types to make it easier for you to understand why we need them:

Strictly Necessary – these are used to streamline our work on the site.

Functionality – to record information that allows us to tailor the site to our users. This information is used for a very limited purpose, stored for a limited period. All information is completely anonymous and is not used for any other purpose.

Analytical – these track traffic and sources of visitors, collecting data to understand popular products and actions.

Marketing – these are used to exchange specific information with third parties with whom we advertise, to understand how you reached our site. We may also use cookies to identify the parts of the site you are interested in. We then use this information to show you ads and pages that we believe may interest you, to personalize how we communicate with you, or to personalize the content of the communications we send you. If you prefer, you can choose to opt-out of these. Content personalization means that it includes information that reflects the interest you have shown in the content of our pages that we believe may interest you, and to improve how we respond to your needs.

    What are third-party cookies?

    Unlike primary cookies originating from the same domain as the site you are currently visiting, third-party cookies come from a different domain than our site. Third parties using cookies on our site include Google, Facebook, MailChimp, and HubSpot.

    We use these cookies to:

    • Distinguish different users.
    • Deliver, measure, and improve the relevance of advertisements.
    • Record a user's opt-out from displaying advertising.
    • Customize ads on Google Search.
    • Serve Google advertising on the web.
    • Measure interactions with ads on the placed domain and prevent too frequent display.
    • Determine how many times a user clicked on an ad.

    How can you control cookies?

    Most browsers will allow you to see what cookies you have and delete them individually or block cookies from specific or all websites. You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, refer to the website Note that deleting or blocking cookies may impact your user experience, and certain parts of this site may not be fully accessible.